
Editorial: LeetCode 1594 Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix

Editorial: LeetCode 1594 Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix

https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-non-negative-product-in-a-matrix/ from Google

Since we can only move down or right, and we must find a path to bottom right corner, so for each position in the matrix, we’ll have only one solution regardless where we come from. This means we can have a cache to memorize the solution so that we don’t calculate it over and over again. Once we realize this, we just need to calculate the only two next solutions (down and right), then use that solution to derive the solution for the current position, then return back. The only caveat is that we need to calculate both minimum and maximum because the value in the matrix can be possitive or negative.


 1class Solution {
 3    typedef long long ll;
 4    int R, C;
 5    int MOD = 1e9+7;
 6    vector<vector<ll>> maxdp;
 7    vector<vector<ll>> mindp;
 8    pair<ll, ll> dfs(int x, int y, vector<vector<int>>& grid) {
 9        if (x == R-1 and y == C-1) return {grid[x][y], grid[x][y]};
10        if (maxdp[x][y] != -1357246) return {maxdp[x][y], mindp[x][y]};
11        vector<pair<ll, ll>> cand;
12        if (x < R-1)
13            cand.push_back(dfs(x+1, y, grid));
14        if (y < C-1)
15            cand.push_back(dfs(x, y+1, grid));
17        for (auto p : cand) {
18            MAX = max(MAX, grid[x][y]*p.first);
19            MAX = max(MAX, grid[x][y]*p.second);
20            MIN = min(MIN, grid[x][y]*p.first);
21            MIN = min(MIN, grid[x][y]*p.second);
22        }
23        maxdp[x][y] = MAX;
24        mindp[x][y] = MIN;
25        return {MAX, MIN};
26    }
27    int maxProductPath(vector<vector<int>>& grid) {
28        R = grid.size();
29        C = grid[0].size();
30        maxdp.resize(R, vector<ll>(C, -1357246));
31        mindp.resize(R, vector<ll>(C, -1357246));
32        auto p = dfs(0, 0, grid);
33        if (p.first < 0) return -1;
34        return p.first%MOD;
35    }
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