
Editorial: LeetCode 1813 Sentence Similarity III

Editorial: LeetCode 1813 Sentence Similarity III

https://leetcode.com/problems/sentence-similarity-iii/ from Google

Thinking process:

The problem is asking if it is possible to insert an arbitrary sentence (possibly empty) inside one of these sentences such that the two sentences become equal. So the first thing we can think about is that we must add sentence into the shorter one.

Secondly, since we can only insert “a single sentence”, there’s only few patterns satisfy the requirements. If we can find a sentence which shows in both sentence, we call it a “same sentence”, otherwise, we call it a “diff sentence”. For example, if we have “My name is Haley” and “My Haley”, then “My” and “Haley” are the same sentences, and “name is” is the diff sentence.

With this, the valid patterns are

So in the following code, we’ll use a while loop to find the “same sentence” and the “diff sentence”. Then we only need to make sure we have at most 2 same sentences and at most 1 diff sentence.

Here is the code.

 1class Solution {
 3    vector<string> split(string line) {
 4        vector <string> tokens;      
 5        stringstream check1(line);
 6        string intermediate;
 7        while(getline(check1, intermediate, ' '))
 8        {
 9            tokens.push_back(intermediate);
10        }
11        return tokens;
12    }
13    bool areSentencesSimilar(string sentence1, string sentence2) {
14        vector<string> s1 = split(sentence1);
15        vector<string> s2 = split(sentence2);
16        int N1 = s1.size(), N2 = s2.size();
17        if (N2 > N1) {
18            swap(N1, N2);
19            swap(s1, s2);
20        }
21        int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
22        vector<string> same;
23        vector<string> diff;
24        while (i1 < N1 and i2 < N2) {
25            string s = "";
26            string d = "";
27            while (i1 < N1 and i2 < N2) {
28                if (s1[i1] == s2[i2]) {
29                    s += s1[i1];
30                    i1++, i2++;
31                } else 
32                    break;
33            }
34            while (i1 < N1 and i2 < N2) {
35                if (s1[i1] != s2[i2]) {
36                    d += s1[i1];
37                    i1++;
38                } else 
39                    break;
40            }
41            if (s.size())
42                same.push_back(s);
43            if (d.size())
44                diff.push_back(d);
45        }
46        if (i1 != N1) diff.push_back("");
47        if (i2 != N2) diff.push_back("");
48        return same.size() <= 2 and diff.size() <= 1 and diff.size() <= same.size();
49    }
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